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Michael's Domain

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Monday, October 31, 2005
I'm back at work after having last week off due to the destruction caused by Hurricane Wilma. All I can say is that it was a disquieting feeling to be in the middle of a powerful hurricane. We were about as prepared as we could be on Sunday Oct. 23. I had filled my car with gas, had ample ice in the freezer (saved from Hurricane Katrina) and food in the fridge. We also cleaned the apartment and did laundry that night while nervously watching the hurricane edge closer. I finally went to bed at 2 am after realizing I had to get some sleep. But I woke up at 6 am and rushed to the tv to watch the news. The storm had hit landfall south of Naples and was quickly approaching Broward County. We lost power at 7:30 am and for the next four hours we were pummeled with 100 mph winds. The building swayed a bit in the gales and our windows facing west bowed from the pressure. We thought the patio door would implode but luckily it held. It was scary for a while and all we could do was ride it out by huddling by the bathroom. That was the safest place to be in the apartment.

By mid afternoon people were venturing outside and surveying the damage. Everyone was stunned and we soon learned that Wilma was the most powerful storm to hit the county since Hurricane King in 1950. Most of the large ficus trees were uprooted or suffered severe damage. Our parking lot suffered damage yet most card avoided being hit by downed trees. A large branch just missed hitting my car and it got lodged underneath Max.

We only lost power for three and a half days and the boil water law was lifted after four days. The two swimming pools are closed due to damage. Our tree sanctuary is gone and there is an empty feeling when we sit on our balcony. The birds have returned but are probably in shock like we were! If we could move tomorrow then we would. I believe that this area will likely be in an almost continual state of repairing from the high number of storms that are predicted to hit us. Look what's happened in only the last fifteen months!

We're still on tap to leave by August 2006 for parts yet unknown. Just learned that our rent will increase $80 a month to $1,080 for a one year lease. Almost afraid for what the seven month or month to month leases charge. I've applied to a couple of jobs: one at the University of Calgary (Humanities & Social Sciences Liasion Librarian) and at the Petroleum Institute in the UAE. We'll see what happens. I feel more detached with living here now but I can easily wait for a few more months before moving.

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