Just an update with the job search. University of Calgary emailed me a few days ago stating that I did not make the cut for an interview. I'm disappointed but not completely distraught. But I honestly thought that I was a strong candidate. The position was for a Humanities & Social Sciences Liasion Librarian. Preferred a degree majoring in History, which I have and it did not specify x number of years experience in an academic library (I have over four). I have experience in collection development, teaching and reference. My major weakness is in web page design but that's not in my job duty and it's difficult for almost any librarian to effectively do all those tasks. I'm also born and raised in Edmonton despite working in the U.S. for nine years.
So I decided to email the lady back asking politely if there were any deficiencies in my application. I would really like to know what kind of person they were looking for. Perhaps my not having a second Masters degree in History and not working in Canada as a librarian worked against me. At any rate at least I can now put the dream of working in my field in Calgary out of my mind.
There is still hope that I will get an on-site interview with the Petroleum Institute in Abu Dhabi. Their search committee asked me to fill out a preliminary employment form that seemed to be more of a passport application. Darcy and I are excited and nervous about the prospects of moving overseas. I am nearing the end of my patience with the stress of work, dealing with stupid and rude patrons and the hell of living in south Florida. We want a new challenge and we love what the United Arab Emirates has to offer. I think we could still live fairly comfortably there with only one salary and if we end up raising a kid there. Plus it would be the experience of a lifetime! Anyway I don't think I'll hear any more news from the UAE until January.
Forgot to mention last time that we watched a neat movie called What the Bleep Do We Know!? A great movie that mixed drama with science (quantum physics). The basic premise is that one should be aware that there are endless possibilities to what we perceive and do everyday. Combined with our limited knowledge and understanding of the inner and outter universe only the movie reaffirmed my belief in agnosticism.
I finally had my appointment with an orthopedic surgeon last week. He showed me my MRI scans and the two gaping black holes in my two lower discs. It's not a good sign to have that somewhat advanced degeneration at my relatively young age but with my awareness of the condition and my fairly healthy lifestyle I should be okay. My Mom recalled me having lower back problems when I was fourteen and asking my brohter to walk on my back. Of course it's impossible to predict the future and the worst case situtation is that I would need spinal surgery in my old age. My mid/late 30s have been eventful healthwise!
Last bit of news is that I had credit card fraud. I made an online purchase and grew more suspicious when the figurines didn't arrive when they were scheduled. I left two voice mails with the company since they weren't accepting emails during the holidays (go figure!). Finally called Visa to reverse the charges which they happily did. Then they notified me that there were *unusual* transactions made on my credit card beginning the day that I purchased the figurines! They were a couple of clothing purchases for $60 each and a computer equipment purchase for $600! It was good that they were red flagged - perhaps because a few months ago I disputed a charge for perfume purchased in Hong Kong. So they sent me a new credit card and today spent a bit of money online. These stores used PayPal which is pretty secure.
Today's the 25th annivesary of John Lennon's death. I remember being at school that next day and everybody talking about it. My parents had bought his last album Double Fantasy. So I guess that's all for now - Happy Holidays!
posted by Michael at 6:22 PM